Sitota the hamburger
Syd as a fairy, and Isabel as a "nice" witch

We are almost all packed up! All of our big items (couch, desk, dressers, etc) were loaded onto a container up in Kirklin last weekend. Aaron and I were so bummed we didn't get to help load the container since he is out of country and I had to work :( Fortunatly lots of great people drove up to Kirklin to help out and all our items got loaded onto the container along with the Shultz's and a bunch of food packages for Chambrun. My mom packed all of our items that are going down with the next mission team from Grace next weekend. She is quite the packer! I am certain I would have taken twice as many totes to pack up the same amount of stuff. We ended up with 12 of those Rubbermaid tote things, 2 suitcases, and 8 boxes (unassembled furniture mostly). That should leave us with about 6 suitcases to take down when we go in December. It still amazes me how everything has worked out so well.
We are up to 66% of our total fundraising goal for next year! We have had so many people give and feel really humbled by it. I can't lie, raising support is one of the hardest things we have ever done. It is very humbling and comes with a sense of helplessness that I tend to run away from. But, it is also very amazing to see God provide through people and their generosity. We have even had a few people donate that we have never even met! We still are looking for more partners so if you are interested hit the "donate" tab at the top of this page for more info.
We have 1 month until we leave! This last month will be last minute packing and details. We also need to finalize a renter for our house. We have a candidate that we are hopeful will say 'yes' here soon (wink, wink, nudge, nudge, if you are reading this "J").

Funny story about our dog. Those of you who know him, know he is a little... shall we say, different. And no one wants him. And he is a really good guard dog. He is very protective of us and looks pretty scary. So we are taking him to Haiti with us but he gets pretty stressed out about new situations and 14 hours in and out of airplanes without us doesn't seem like something he would handle well. So I called the vet to get him some Xanax. The vet advised that we give it a trial run before we leave to gauge how he responds to it. Good thing too. We were supposed to give him 1 or 2 tablets. I gave him 1... and nothing. So 15 minutes later, I gave him the 2nd one. Nothing. 20 Minutes later I gave him the 3rd one. Nothing really, unless you count trying to hump the next door neighbor dog multiple times (the sweet looking brown one next to Kofe in the picture) and eat everything in sight. So I went for the 4th tablet... and nothing. Hmmm, appears he is immune to Xanax. I've tried Benadryl in the past too and that
didn't work at all. Crazy dog.

Well, that is about it for now. I need to learn to be a blogger. I don't consider myself creative, or a good writer, or a person who would consistently blog so this may be interesting!
Shelli! Did you figure something out to give to the dog? Maybe you could try some whiskey...
ReplyDeleteEness- Yes, we did! I went back to the vet, and once he stopped laughing, he gave me a tranquilizer to give the dog! Worked like a charm (and was quite humorous to watch him stumble all over trying to walk).