Today I slept until after 3pm. Well not really all the way till 3pm. I woke up this morning and got ready for school. I even made it to the office before I decided I felt like total crap. Sorry, is that a bad word? I'm not sure if "crap" is a PC term, so if I just offended you I apologize. But sometimes you just have to call it like it is. So I called a "snow day" and crawled back into bed and promptly slept until 3pm. I have been fighting a cough which seems to have turned into bronchitis. I have a fever. I have a cough. I have other issues that make me wish the bathroom was in my house (tent)... or at least closer than 50 yards away. So while I am laying here in my bed (at least the internet is working) wishing I was back in my home in Indiana I thought I would post some pictures of our day at the beach last week to make me feel better.

Isn't the water just beautiful. If you come visit us, we will take you to the beach. I am not above bribery. Just remember, this is a Caribbean Island.

Sitota loves the beach. Everything about it. Oh, and Sydney wants me to inform everyone that she took most of these pictures, including this one.

Smiling Syd

Thats me on a orange chair. This was the only picture of me that day. I think I sat on this bench and read my book for all of 3 minutes. Hard to relax with a 2, 5, and 8 year old at the beach! But we had fun.

Mountain views from the beach!

Isabel and her friend Jeremiah. Two peas in a pod. Seriously, Isabel has met her male counterpart.

Totes and his "buddy Clerice" (as he calls him)

I think this is right when we arrived, hence the fully clothed AAron.
feel better, Shelli!