It is so good to be home in Indiana again.
Our trip yesterday was uneventful and easy. The kids did well and all flights went according to plan.
As we landed in the Indianapolis airport a feeling of peace rushed over me. We were home! And the first thing I noticed was the green.... everywhere! The green grass and trees. It was soooo beautiful and something I don't think I will ever take for granted again.
We departed the plane and met Dan, who was picking us up from the airport. I almost cried when I saw Dan. For those of you who know me... and Dan... that isn't normal. Never thought just seeing Dan would make me want to cry. It was just seeing the first piece of home after 6 months. As we drove from the airport up to Noblesville it was so exciting to see all the changes and new buildings going up. And the roads! Wow, what smooth roads. But it felt like we were driving so fast.
As we pulled into our driveway our neighbors and great friends, The Gibbs, where outside to greet us. Again, I just wanted to cry. So good to be home. Our house looks wonderful. I think it may be cleaner than when we left! Jonathon has been amazing and has really taken care of our yard and home and we are so thankful that he is living in our house while we are gone. As I came inside everything looked so nice and clean. And BIG! After living in a tent for 3 months then in a 600 sq.ft. house for 3 months this place seems like a mansion! And Jonathon had flowers on the island in the kitchen for us. It was such a nice welcome home!
The kids immediately ran outside to play with the neighbors and we had to drag them into the Gibbs' house for dinner. Oh the dinner! Amazing pork chops, green beans, potatoes, and ice cream and cookies! I miss our neighbors. Their kids, the good food and fun times. After dessert we came home and my sister and her husband came over. It was SO good to see Kristen and Brian. I don't think I even realized how much we have missed them. The girls were so thrilled to see their aunt and uncle they didn't want to go to sleep. Well, they sort of got their wish. Around 10pm the storms started rolling in. Then the tornado sirens went off so I woke up the kids and we all headed for the basement. The storms rolled through, Brian and Kristen headed to their house, tucked the kids into bed again, and I laid down in my bed. My soft, fluffy, king-sized bed. It was glorious. Although I did wake a few times during the night and couldn't remember where I was for the first few moments.
It was a great night of sleep. Until I was woken by the front door slamming. Aaron ran downstairs to see Sitota standing at the front door. He was wet, and really cold. I asked him what he was doing and he said "I went to Parker Gibbs house to play but their door was locked". Huh. Cute that he couldn't wait to go play with Parker, but a little scary that he just walked straight out of the house and over there. Wonder how long he was outside for? I guess it doesn't matter if he is in Haiti or Indy, he is still DEZOD!
We woke up this morning and went to the Original Pancake House. Wow! Yum! As I sat in the restaurant I thought about how this particular restaurant, just one of millions in the US, in the middle of Indiana is nicer than any restaurant in the entire country of Haiti. And the food.... it was amazing... and big! The kids each got a half an order of pancakes and it was enough to feed 3 people each. I couldn't finish half my breakfast. We could have feed 20 people with the feed we had for 5! I know this is the expected culture shock but it is just so real.
Then we went to the grocery store and I was in heaven. The produce section itself is bigger than the whole entire grocery store we go to in Haiti. And SO MUCH cheaper! I was in heaven. Produce, most of it anyway, is very expensive in Haiti. We pay over $2 for each apple. We can't even afford the grapes. And there are only about 4 or 5 choices in the whole section. Today I bought cherries, strawberries, pears, peaches, grapes, bananas.... and I can't wait to eat them all! Silly how that all sounds, but I guess that is reality for us right now.
As I was unloading the groceries, I spotted a large hairy black spider on the window in the kitchen. I guess he was just reminding me of Haiti :)
As I type this, the kids are rediscovering all of their toys and playing upstairs. I can't even hear them. Or see them. Our house is huge. And it's raining. And cold. I do miss the sun and heat. But I guess all that rain leads to all that green! And I love it!
Today my sister is coming over to hang out. I am hoping to get a run in... it will be amazing to be able to just walk out my front door and run wherever I want! Aaron is at church saying his hellos. And tonight we are having dinner with our bible study group and 2 great friends who just happen to be in town from Kenya. Tomorrow my friend Emily is having her baby! And we get to go to dinner with the Buczkowski and Sterley families! And Isabel goes to school to share with her class and then gets to spend the night at her best friend Emma's house. We only have 10 days in Indiana and we are going to fit a lot of life in those ten days!
As I type this, the kids are rediscovering all of their toys and playing upstairs. I can't even hear them. Or see them. Our house is huge. And it's raining. And cold. I do miss the sun and heat. But I guess all that rain leads to all that green! And I love it!
Today my sister is coming over to hang out. I am hoping to get a run in... it will be amazing to be able to just walk out my front door and run wherever I want! Aaron is at church saying his hellos. And tonight we are having dinner with our bible study group and 2 great friends who just happen to be in town from Kenya. Tomorrow my friend Emily is having her baby! And we get to go to dinner with the Buczkowski and Sterley families! And Isabel goes to school to share with her class and then gets to spend the night at her best friend Emma's house. We only have 10 days in Indiana and we are going to fit a lot of life in those ten days!
Welcome home, Elliotts!