Friday, July 22, 2011

Moulin Sur Mer

On Tuesday we loaded up a truck and headed up the coast for a 2 day family get away. 
The kids were beyond excited!

 The scenery is beautiful but with 4 kids in the car... it was a long drive! Actually Fedlaine was a perfect angel but our three didn't fare quite as well. Isabel got car sick about 5 minutes in, Syd kept complaining of a stomachache and Sitota was.... well Sitota!

Fortunately all but Sitota finally fell asleep, making the last 30 minutes quite enjoyable.

I love the "cow crossing"signs on the road!

Finally we made it to Moulin Sur Mer. It was absolutely beautiful! The hotel room was decent (great by Haitian standard, low end motel by U.S. standards). The grounds were amazing, including the beach area. There were so many nice trees around the beach and pool area to keep us nice and cool in the shade. 

 There were ponds, animals, and flowers all over the place. Check out this bird on a "bird".

One of the biggest bird houses I have ever seen!

One of my favorite things about Moulin Sur Mer was the food! Huge, delicious buffets every meal!

Moulin Sur Mer used to be a large sugar cane plantation and some of the old relics are still literally lying around. 

The kids did A LOT of swimming in the pool!

Meals were served ocean side... what a view!

This was part of the old plantation and was a grind wheel. 

The hotel

They even had a monkey enclosure with 2 monkeys!

And Peacocks!

The restored plantation house

The pool area

Our view at meals 

Super Sydney!

How many "blans" does it take to break a Haitian seesaw? The answer: 6

One of those old relics laying around...

Sometimes I forget that I actually live on a Carribbean island! 


  1. Looks like a beautiful place. Are you sure you were still in Haiti? I'm so glad you were able to get away for a few days and recharge your battery.

  2. My mission team stopped here our last night in Haiti in 2003. (I remember loving the flush toilet & air conditioning after a long, hot week.) It was "worn" by US standards, but a wonderful respite. Enjoy!
