Sunday, July 3, 2011

New Playground and a Busy June

The month of June rushed by in a major blur. We hosted 12 different teams and had over 200 people on campus this month. We had a high school team that installed water purifiers in a cholera area, on campus, and at the children's home. We had a group do a VBS in Chambrun and another group put on a VBS in Trouchaema. We had a team here working on the hospital. We had a team that taught sewing clinics and held vision clinics. We had several teams working on random construction projects: fence building, constructing and stocking our thrift store, starting the new office building, overhauling the church, building a storage room, and organizing our warehouse.  We had a medical team (from our home church of Grace) treat over 800 people in IDP tent camps. We said goodbye to the Campus Crusade team of 30 students that had been here the entire month. And this past week we had a group from Kids Around the World here to install a playground. Needless to say ALL the kids were so excited and spent the whole day with smiles plastered to their faces while playing. Isabel, Syd, and Sitota are so happy to have something to play on as well! Here are some pics from the day of the playground dedication:

The Elliotts

Kids Around the World
All the kids eagerly await the playground dedication


Prayers are said...
and the ribbon was cut (or in this case, the caution tape was cut with a pocket knife).

Wow- how many people can you fit on a playground?!

Kids had fun

Haitians had fun

Blans had fun

Interns had fun- Chris fights to climb the side of the playground

Clerice- aren't you a bit big for that?

There was dancing

There was climbing

There was... ??? What is that?

Grown ups on the top of the playset

Grown ups going down slides- don't worry the kids did get to play too

And some random pics from the day:

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