Sunday, August 14, 2011

Kenep- one of the many things I love about Haiti

This is a kenep (as it is called in Haiti), or sometimes called a Spanish Lime in other parts of the caribbean. It is a type of fruit, and it is delicious. I think calling it a "lime" is misleading because it isn't like a citrus fruit at all on the inside. You peel off the green skin, which comes off very easily, and then pop the fruit into your mouth.  It is sweet and sour (but more sweet) and has the consistency of a hairy eyeball. OK, I really don't know what a hairy eyeball feels like, but I imagine it akin to a kenep. I guess you could say it feels sort of like a skinless grape in your mouth (but it has a huge seed in the middle and doesn't taste anything like a grape). Maybe it is just one of those things you have to taste for yourself. Making these yummy little guys even better... their price! They are so cheap... you can buy a whole bunch for about 5 gourde (conversion rate is 40 gourde to $1 USD). Anyone else out there ever had a kenep? What did you think?


  1. Yes! I have had them...long ago while serving in a Hispanic neighborhood in Philadelphia. In the Spanish community, they are called "quenepas", and the way you described them is exactly as I remember them. Weird texture, but good taste. Thanks for bringing back this memory. :)


  2. Yum. I used to eat these as a kid in Colombia but we called it "mamoncillo". It is a little like a hairy eyeball but yummy. :)
