I first traveled to Haiti in March 2009 with a member of our church (Aaron Sherrick) and two amazing video dudes (John and Steve Moon) to document the story. Grace Community Church (GCC) sent me to get to know Aaron and Nehemiah Vision Ministry (NVM) as a potential partner. I got to see the work of the ministry, tour downtown Port-au-Prince, even fly over the campus in Chambrun in a small airplane to capture video. I also got to hear Pastor Esperandieu Pierre tell his personal story and the story of NVM. It was such a compelling couple of days, one that truly captured my heart, and I can remember flying out of Port-au-Prince , looking down over the island and thinking “someone could give their life to the work and ministry of NVM in Haiti, and it would be a life well lived.”
When the earthquake hit on January 12, 2010, GCC responded in a big way, raising money, packing food, and sending two medical teams to Haiti. I was privileged to lead the first team that was on the ground and seeing patients in the IDP camps in late February and early March. Another team went in later March, and then a third team went in July, this time co-lead by Shelli and I both, along with Susie Bennett. Little did we know that NVM had recently approved two staff positions, one being the role of working with teams that come down to Haiti. While in Haiti in July, NVM officially asked us to consider moving to Haiti for a period of time to help work with and lead the teams that are coming to Haiti.
We really were not expecting this…although our hearts quickly warmed to the idea. God has put it on our hearts for quite some time to live in another culture for a period of time…Shelli just always thought it would be Guatemala because of her involvement there, having been there 5 times over the last few years. And I have become quite confirmed in a since of calling to GCC. I love what God is doing here and love, love, love my role. I love the people that God brings to our community. We also absolutely love our community, friends, house, church, schools, neighbors, etc. How would living in Haiti fit with this?
As of this posting, GCC has officially granted me a leave of absence for a year. The confirmation and support of my Pastor, my teammates at Grace, and those in our community who already know has been almost overwhelming.
We are planning to move to Haiti and join with NVM and the amazing work God is doing there in December 2010, and return to Indiana the following December 2011. As you can imagine, we have quite a number of details to attend to between now and then, and would greatly covet your prayers as we prepare. Much like we blogged through our adoption journey (www.adoptelliott.blogspot.com) we plan to use this blog to document our preparations, time in Haiti, and assimilation back into American culture. This will certainly not be a solo expedition…we are going to need 100’s to journey with us in order to do simply do this…so thanks for stopping by this blog and we are definitely excited about what’s ahead!
Wow! The first comment on your new blog! I feel special! We love you guys. We'll miss you guys! We'll hold your spot in our group...probably. :-)
ReplyDeleteOh, I just saw that you have to approve the comments first before they publish. So maybe I'm not the first comment, in which case please disregard the narcissism of my previous comment.
ReplyDeleteI love how you two pursue God. I will (of course!) be following your blog and praying for you.
ReplyDeleteMuch love. :)
Randy and I are so excited for you, Shelli and the kids, and we know you will be such great leaders to the teams coming to Haiti. Congrats and good luck as you follow this path.
Hello Elliotts, You don't know me. But Don and Heather Logan wanted me to contact you because me and my family (of 5) will also be moving to Haiti on Oct. 12th. My name is Jeff Denlinger. I am the Director of Operations / President of an organization called AWAKEN HAITI. We are located in Tabarre about 20 min. from the Airport. If there is anything or anyway we can help you with your transition just let me know. I'm sure we are going through a lot of the same things. Our web-site is awakenhaiti.org and my e-mail is jeffd@awakenhaiti.org Feel free to contact me and maybe we can compare notes and hook-up in Haiti.