Saturday, December 11, 2010

One week in...

I woke up this morning and realized we have been here a full week. It has flown by! And so much has happened this past week so I started a mental tally:

2 near perfect flights
9 lost bags
9 found bags
1 barricade jumping
1 rock riot incident
1 tarantula
1 lost dog
1 found dog
a million stares at the "blan"
1 phone lost to the river (during the great dog rescue of 2010)
a few hundred mosquito bites
1 facial cat attack (on Sitota... he totally deserved it)
5 healthy family members
3 whiney kids
4 tents erected
7 beautiful, warm and sunny days

and countless memories.


  1. I love reading your blog, Elliotts! I know how the Lord is using NVM to bring His love to Haiti. It's amazing to see your family join the movement.

  2. I lift you up everyday to our God. Your blog makes it so easy for me to be specific. Thanks for your honesty and I know God is going to use you mightily and change your lives as well.
