Our dog ran away yesterday.
We got word that Kofe got out and ran away in the later afternoon...we took one of the fasted car rides I have ever taken in Haiti (thanks Walton) and Aaron took off with three guys to where Kofe was last seen (while Shelli tried to recover from being car sick). After driving a little ways, running, crossing a river, and then making our way through sugar cane fields, we spotted Kofe. He was 100 yards off or more and took off when he saw us and heard us call his name. He was in the same place that Rooney had left him (the guy that chased him when he got out)...he was staying in the same area the last 30 minutes or so before we got there. So we called and searched and he did not show up again...as the sun set about an hour later we decided to come back to Pierre's and search again early in the morning. It was too dark and dangerous to continue We did find a cow herder who had a phone and said he would call us if he saw the dog.
Aaron and Roony went out again this morning to the same spot and searched for hours but could not find him. He is out there somewhere and I pray he is safe. Perhaps he may come back to Pierre's, perhaps he may show up at Chambrun. Most likely he is gone. I can't believe we have had that dog almost 11 years and he never once tried to run away and now all of a sudden he is gone. I love that dog. And I hate that dog. If he comes back I'm not sure whether to kick him or hug him. Sitota and Sydney are taking it better than I expected. Isabel is still very distraught as is Lemuel who really became friends with him over the last days.
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