Boo Hoo
1. Waking at 7:00am is considered sleeping in. But most days I am up even before that. Yesterday I woke up at 6:00am to someone playing the piano.... loudly. As I was complaining to Aaron he said “At least they are good”. My reply, “I don’t care if they are flippin’ Mozart it is too early for the piano!”. Then this morning the music started blaring from the church at 6am... and woke us all up.
2. I’m running out of chocolate... ‘nuf said.
3. Getting tired of living in a tent (but see #6 below)
4. Going on week 2 of this stupid cough. But it is getting better... slowly... I think.
5. The internet is unreliable. It went down for 2 days last week. Even when it is up and running, it goes in and out a lot.
6. Still getting used to my lack of freedom. I can't just go anywhere at anytime. We don't have a vehicle... and there really isn't anywhere to go.
Woo Hoo
1. Tacos and ice cream tonight (both for the first time in 9 weeks)!
2. Watching the Super Bowl tonight with friends!
3. We were blessed with a beautiful day at the beach yesterday. In fact the weather overall is Ahhhh-mazing! We are missing one of the coldest/snowiest winters in Indiana history :)
4. Wadlene is a wonderful women. She and Sitota have settled into a routine a bit and they seem to get along well. Our tent is always clean, our laundry always done, and Sitota is well cared for while the girls and I are in school.
5. Kitchen duty is settling down as well. It was a bit alot overwhelming at first cooking for so many people everyday when I wasn’t really sure what I was doing. Now I feel better and actually look forward to dinners some nights. The other night all the girls (Louna, Jolina, Kacee, Aubree, Amy, Anna, and I) made dinner together. We were jamming to some Michael Jackson and laughing while cutting up the vegetables for stir fry and making mango cobbler. And we have a chef from Mercy Chefs coming next week so I don’t have to cook for a whole week!
6. Our house is almost done... only a few more weeks! The ceiling and tile go in this week!!! They are on schedule to be done a week early.
7. I am getting used to all the spiders. I actually had one on me at church today and only squealed a little bit and brushed it off. A few months ago I would have started hyperventilating.
8. I love my dog. I did just say those words out loud... but he has been amazing! He is such a good dog here!
9. I have met so many amazing and interesting people!
Love the lists...thanks for sharing with us about how you're really feeling. And SO glad to hear that the house is coming along ahead of schedule!