Monday, June 27, 2011

IDP Medical Clinic

This week has been such a fun treat for me! My home church of Grace Community Church has been here and I have had the privilege of helping with several medical clinics they have held in IDP (internally displaced persons) tent camps. The team has worked together amazingly! Every person- whether the doctors, those triaging, those doing crowd control, those working in the pharmacy, or those running between stations- has been amazing. Everyone working together allowed us to see 150 patients in less than 5 hours today!

Dr. Dee in action 
Chris and Clerice 
This man came by the clinic and asked if we could stop by and see his wife who was unable to walk... so we made a house call at the end of the day!

Dr. Dee and Susie

Gary and Matt 
Making the house call
The medical clinic!

Mel and Sarah 

The Pharmacy!

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