Monday, October 24, 2011

Artisan Fair

On Sunday we went to the Parc Historique canne à sucre (Sugar Cane Museum) in Port au Prince for an artisan fair. It was so much fun to walk around and see all the different artists and their work. Aaron and I had a great time! It was nice to do something that resembled a date.

Can you guess who helped sponsor the event?

For 300 gdes (about $7.00) you got admission, a free coke, and 150 gdes toward any purchase. We purchased a few Christmas gifts (you gotta support the local economy... right?) and walked around enjoying the atmosphere. 

There was so much to look at. There were mosaics,



 Birds made from recycled tires,

Jewelry, clothing, knitting, metal work, furniture, and so much more. 

And don't forget the fountains.....

Which drew a very large (albeit snickering) crowd. 

At the end of the day we loaded up the tap-tap and headed home. But not after the ritual beating on the battery with a rock while pressing the starter to get the tap-tap running, and realizing our gas cap got stolen. On the way back we ran into our police friends. I made Aaron pull over so we could get out and get pics with our friends. Seriously, these guys are awesome and we have gotten to know them over this past year pretty well. Remember way back when I wrote about our first trip to the Dominican? How we came upon a tap-tap accident and I ended up alone in a police truck with 5 Haitian police? Well, thats these guy's. Every time I see Gilles (he is the one on the far right below) he yells out "zamni mwen, m' kontan we ou" (my friend, I am so happy to see you) with a giant smile on his face. And Junior (next to Gilles) loves to practice his English (which is quite good) with us too. They are just a few people in Haiti that I have been privileged to know... and I will miss them. 

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