Friday, October 7, 2011

On Campus...

There are lots of things going on around here this week!

We have an amazing team from OakCreek Church that is holding medical clinics in the IDP tent camps around us. They have been amazing and have seen hundreds of patients. 
Sorting meds for the mobile medical clinic

There is a team here from Eastpointe church that is hosting a pastors conference for about 40 local Haitian pastors. 

Pastors conference
Living Waters has returned with another great team and are helping with MANY miscellaneous projects around campus. On Wednesday we received a container of over $20,000 worth of non-perishable foods and baby formula. Thanks to the work of Paul Sofka Jr. and Paul Sofka Sr. after visiting NVM through our partner organization Mercy Chefs! It is amazing what one or two people can do! They rallied many donors to raise the money for the food and it will be a HUGE blessing for us.

It's like Christmas when a container arrives.


Pastor drives a pallet of the food into the warhouse for sorting
 The Living Waters team has worked to transport and organize all the food from our warehouse to the kitchen over the past two days. They are also currently working on fixing some drainage problems around the men's dorm building, painting, and other odds and ends. Later today we will pick up a team from our home church of Grace Community. The kids are especially excited because one of the team members is their "uncle" Jonathon! 

Kids lined up for pledge and raising of flag before school

School started this Monday for the Haitian kids. My kids have been going all summer (because I am a mean home-school mom). Oddly enough only about 1/4 of the 400-some kids enrolled showed up. On Monday, I asked our house help/childcare lady, Wadline, if her two kids (named Alguin and Jelly) started school. She told me not until the following Monday. When I asked her why, she said because their uniforms were not ready. Keep in mind that school has already been delayed by a month (not really sure why that happened either) because of something with the President. Then I found out that most kids in Haiti just don't go to the first week of school. Huh? I guess it is like how many high-school seniors sort of stop going to school toward the end of the year in the States.

And of course we still have Jim Warner running English classes, Cheryl working with the ladies in sewing classes and bead-making classes. Like I said, lots going on around here!

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